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I was granted the opportunity to return to Digital Graffiti to premiere my latest experimental installation: QUANTIZED CONNECTIONS. Quantized Connections is an interactive audio-visual experience, exploring pathways between light, sound, and creativity. The project provides the individual with a backbone to create live musical sequences without needing to have prior knowledge of musical structure.

Engaging with a 8x8 drum-pad, audience members were free to create progressive drum and bass tracks which remained quantized to a 4x4 beat sequence. Each pad, which triggered a corresponding stem, (bassline, kick, synth, etc.) would then send MIDI information from Ableton Live to Unreal Engine; driving a real-time particle system as synesthetic response. The greater the track complexity grew, the greater the particle reactivity intensified while also modifying it's form in response to the sequence selected.

Stems were sourced and edited from "VISAGES" sample pack and assembled in Ableton Live. MIDI data was then sent from Ableton to Unreal Engine via OSC, utilizing the Live Grabber plugin and MAX for Live. (Shoutout to Tristan Gieler: The scene was then constructed using Cinema 4D and Unreal Engine, and fed OSC and MIDI input to drive a niagara particle system via blueprint.

In 2021, I was granted the opportunity to attend Digital Graffiti to present two projection pieces: FRACTAL HORIZONS & ALWAYS WATCHING. Fractal Horizons explores the beauty resulting from unpredictable outcomes. Long, flowy, abstract forms cascade across the façade to audio provided by John Colette. Always Watching features an array of eyes gazing back upon it's audience; serving as a comment on digital consumption and social monitoring. Both projections were mapped to the Alys Beach Caliza building.

While Digital Graffiti was postponed during 2020, artwork I made for the north buttery entry-way was later exhibited during 2021. DIGI GRAFF is a large scale projection inspired by the festivals name itself. As my first exhibit at DG, massive spray paint cans roll across the façade signifying the collaboration between SCAD artists and the festival itself. Two short loops were produced per each buttery.

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